WANDERSPIEL tours Japan’s Kochi Prefecture for a unique travel insight with JANICE WONG, celebrated pastry chef from Singapore of 2:am dessert bar fame.
Inroads into global markets have been made, with her namesake ‘Janice Wong Dessert Bar‘ now present in Tokyo and Macau, with multiple retail establishments in Singapore.
Janice’s trip objective was to be inspired – through a cultural immersion, across a multitude of facets of the Kochi Prefecture in Japan.
Presenting: The Kochi Prefecture Tour with Janice Wong.

The Kochi Prefecture has plenty of offer from Nature and its harvest: from drinking the source-to-table tea at Kunitomo Tea Plantation to understanding tradition at Paper Museum Inocho, and hand-made wooden products at Tosaryu.
Naturally, taste is imperative to Chefs.
Wanderspiel captures an array of tasting experiences, from an array of Finger Lime, to Janice meeting the farmers and tasting the unique-to-Kochi citruses (the Naoshichi and Buntan) at the Naoshichi Farm and Shiraki Orchard Buntan Farms.

Witnessing mornings at Sukumo Fish Market and the processes at the Takeuchi Dried Bonito Factory were other key highlights, with the tour ending at Hokiyama Cutlery, where exquisite Japanese knives are made.

One thing for sure – Janice did draw much inspiration from the majestic surroundings of Kochi, through sight, sound, smell and her tactile interaction with the immediate environment around her.
For more information on Kochi, Japan, head to their official tourism page at visitkochijapan.com.
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